
Fostering communication between different communities within Boston


Genuine care for the communities the students are interacting with and a hope to help them


Looking at how we can help the communities we engage with, how we can bring the resources we have to benefit them

Below are the sentiments from members of a 1st-year writing class at Northeastern University. They are primarily volunteers in this semester-long effort to engage with the greater Boston community. Their continuous dedication and enthusiasm exemplify the spirit of community service and civic engagement is admirable.

“Hi! I’m Vanshika Anand, a freshman studying International Business at Northeastern University.
Joining the Intergenerational Storytelling Website project excited me because it was an
opportunity to explore diverse narratives and contribute to preserving the stories of older adults.
Inspired by my grandparents’ tales of resilience, I aimed to foster meaningful connections
across generations by participating in community engagement at Spencer House. I believe that
my involvement aligned with my values of empathy and cultural appreciation and positivley impaced both mysel and older adults”

“Volunteering has always been a part of my life, part of the reason that I am so open to
volunteering work and willing to do it is the influence from my grandmother. My grandmother
was a surgeon and like other doctors she became one to help the ones in need. During her time
as a doctor she would go to rural areas of China where medical assistance is limited and
volunteer her work for things such as vaccination, medication, and spreading health awareness
to those difficult to access regions. I think it’s her enthusiasm and outlook on life hoping to help
people in need that inspired me to help others and she also offered many connections in terms
of that to assist me to better offer my assistance to people in need.”

“I am new to the United States as a student, so I really want to know about the community of
this country. And I believe that speaking to older adults of this country will give me a lot more
knowledge of how people grew up and experience in this country, and I get to know the
difference between their culture and mine. For me the most rewarding [part of] my work is when
I recognize the same field of knowledge or memories I share with someone so far away from
home. Throughout the experience I learn[ed] about being patient and [to] always cherish new

“I first started volunteering in the fourth grade when my sister had a community service project in
an orphanage in the Philippines. I fell in love with helping others, which is why I still continue to
volunteer present day. Currently, aside from Spencer House, I volunteer at 826 Boston where I
tutor elementary school kids, from ages 5-12, and help them with their homework. My advice to
someone who [is] interested in getting involved with volunteer work is to just start by trying
things out. You won’t really know what calls to you unless you immerse yourself in that

“Volunteering has always been a huge priority of mine. Growing up as a young Sikh, I was
always taught Seva, which is the idea of giving and helping others, and this idea grew my
passion to volunteer, whether it is at a hospital or doing a sandwich drive for [the] homeless with
my temple. The reward I feel from volunteering is like nothing else, just pure happiness. My
grandfather has always told me giving back is one of the keys to happiness, and I always
remember him, when volunteering. To someone looking to start volunteering, you can start
anywhere, whether it’s volunteering to mow your neighbors lawn, or joining a local volunteer
organization, just do what brings you and the others around you joy.”

Read More Sentiments: Additional Student Sentiments

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